Saturday, September 1, 2012

end of the book

i once read a book,
and it spoke of a man
who was in love with a woman
whose eyes burned with pain.
this man loved this woman
with all of his heart, 
he knew it when he saw her - 
he knew from the start.

this beloved woman's eyes
showed the hurt and the stain,
of years of neglect,
of years of disdain...

this beloved woman's eyes were not bright, full, or cheery
this beloved woman's eyes were heavy, and dreary.

i read to chapter two,
where the mans love - it grew!
he wanted to kiss her, 
to hold her so tight,
but when reached for her hand
she jumped! with a fright!

chapter three was no different,
the woman would not let him in
to her heart, to her soul,
but this man, 
he still loved her
with his being, his whole!

the man just kept trying - 
chapters four, five and six
the man did try everything!
all the gimmicks, and tricks!
but this woman was cold - 
a statue, a brick - 
this woman's heart seemed not too big, but too thick!

chapter seven, eight, nine, and ten
the man tried - 
again, and again.

chapter eleven, 
the man gave up his fight,
he loved this woman so much,
but grew groggy of the sight,
of this woman's face,
and this woman's eyes,
rejecting his love,
his heart, soul, and cries!

and on i kept reading,
through heart-ache, and sorrow!
and i finished the book,
and the book,
i did borrow...

i lent the book to a friend,
who read it and sighed,
"that book was so lovely! that book made me cry!"
i agreed - 
it was so sad!
how the two didn't end up together,
and my friend gasped! my friend shrieked!
"what do you mean! it was better
than any other love story,
or any love song!
that book - 
their love -
together, they belonged!"

for what i had read seemed like heart-ache,
and pain,
my friend showed me it wasn't!
it was life, and knowledge gained!

the man and the woman didn't end up together,
but they learned what they wanted,
out of life, love, 
through loss - 
they learned what they needed,
they learned what they craved,
through sadness
they both 
quite brave.

if they had ended up together, their story would be done,
but the end of that book gave them a new life, apart
the end of their love gave them both a new start...

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